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5 Easy Home Automation Upgrades to Simplify Your Life

Home automation is here to stay, and many Canadian homeowners are looking to bring their homes into the future with the latest smart technologies. Getting started with home automation doesn’t have to be complicated, either. Some of the most popular and useful devices are easy to install and start using right away! At TCA Electric, we’ve seen many homeowners find home automation success with a handful of starter devices. Let’s take a look at five easy smart home upgrades to help you begin your home automation journey.

Smart thermostats

Devices like the Google Nest Learning Thermostat and other smart thermostats have been topping just about every home automation list for the past couple of years, and for good reason. Smart thermostats are champions when it comes to passively saving energy. Depending on the specific device you get, smart thermostats can adjust the temperature in your home to save on heating and cooling costs. Some devices will even do so according to what they learn about you and your family’s routine. It’s hard to get smarter than a learning thermostat!

Smart security devices 

While they might not save you much money, smart security devices can save you and your family a whole lot of peace of mind. Video doorbells and smart locks are two of the best devices when it comes to smart home security. A video doorbell lets you see who’s at the door without needing to go there yourself (or even be at home). A smart lock, on the other hand, means you never have to worry whether you forgot to lock your door before leaving home! Both of these devices will make your home feel a little smarter—and a lot safer.

Smart lighting

Smart lighting upgrades are a common first home automation step for many homeowners. Smart LED bulbs will not only save money, but they also enable you to adjust them without being in the room. For an even more hands-off approach, some smart lighting upgrades even allow you to schedule on/off times in case you forget. Smart lighting is a simple, yet highly versatile upgrade for those looking to get a foot in the door with home automation.

Smart outlets

Speaking of versatility, smart outlets might just be the most versatile smart home upgrade available. The function seems simple enough: these WiFi-enabled outlets allow you to turn power on and off remotely. But that simplicity is what makes smart outlets so versatile. With a smart outlet, any device you can plug in becomes a smart device! A lamp becomes a smart lamp, fans and space heaters can be toggled right from your phone, and power-hungry devices like TVs and computers can be easily unplugged.

Smart hub

A smart hub probably shouldn’t be the first home automation device you get. But with each smart device you add to your home, a smart hub like the Amazon Echo only gets more and more useful. That’s because these devices let you connect and control all the smart devices in your home from one place, rather than navigating through separate apps to adjust your thermostat and lock your doors. Once you’ve started to make your home smarter, a smart hub is a very wise investment!

TCA Electric: Experts in Vancouver Home Automation

As you look to bring your home into the age of smart technology, our expert electricians at TCA Electric are standing by to lend a hand! We’ve transformed many Vancouver homes into smart homes over the years, installing devices such as smart thermostats, WiFi-enabled sound systems, smart lighting systems, and much more. With decades of combined electrical experience and a 5.0 star rating on Google, we have the right electrical skills and customer service record to deliver you the best home automation experience. Contact the TCA team today!

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