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Best Smart Home Upgrades in 2022

Here are some of the trending home automation devices for 2022!

Like all technology, smart home devices and home automation capabilities are constantly evolving from year to year. Depending on emerging needs, technological advances, and much more, the best and top-selling home automation upgrades can change greatly. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic and other events have greatly shifted the tech landscape as well.

As Vancouver’s leading electricians, we’re constantly keeping tabs on the latest and best smart home upgrades hitting the market here at TCA. The last couple years have seen major shifts in smart home technologies, some expected and some not. So what trends might we see in 2022? Here are some of the major ones to watch out for!

Matter may revolutionize compatibility

Inter-device compatibility is critical when it comes to the convenience of smart home systems. After all, a major goal of smart home technology is that you can control everything with the push of a button or the tap of a touchscreen. The best smart home upgrades make compatibility a cinch—but up to this point, devices made by different companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple have not always been friendly with one another.

Enter: Matter, an interoperability that aims to unite devices from these major smart device manufacturers into a single protocol. If everything goes as planned, Matter is set to release in 2022. For more about Matter, check out our previous blog post on why we expect Matter to matter a great deal in 2022. 

Health devices will continue to surge in popularity

As expected, the COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a surge in consumers focused on monitoring and regulating their health. With COVID-19 remaining in the public eye, along with an industry focus on developing devices to meet health demands, we don’t see the popularity of smart health devices dropping off any time soon.

Some advances and capabilities that will likely continue to gain steam in 2022 include sleep monitoring devices, body temperature monitoring, and plenty of smart fitness devices. 

Occupancy sensors

One of the best smart home upgrades we expect to be in demand for 2022 is occupancy sensing technology. Many home automation devices, such as the Nest Learning Thermostat, aim to conserve energy (and save you money) by learning about usage patterns and adjusting accordingly.

Occupancy sensors are another way for smart devices to understand how spaces are being used and conserve energy where possible. These sensors can detect when a space or room in a home is being occupied, and adjust things like heat and lighting when spaces aren’t in use. It’s likely that occupancy sensors will also be able to learn movement patterns to predict when certain areas will or won’t be in use in order to conserve energy.

Robotic assistants

As smart home technology continues to advance, it sometimes feels like we’re moving closer to making science fiction into science reality. While Roombas and other robotic vacuums are now fairly commonplace, they’re likely to have some robotic company as we head into 2022.

Robotic assistant technology is being adapted and refined for today’s smart home. Beyond just vacuuming, new models may have other capabilities such as cooking, more varied cleaning tasks, and babysitting (or pet sitting). This is still a fairly new development, but robotic assistants may wind up being one of the best smart home upgrades in the upcoming year.

TCA Electric: Your Home Automation Experts!

Here at TCA Electric, we specialize in making customers’ home automation dreams into reality. We’ve helped numerous homeowners throughout Vancouver make their homes smarter, more efficient, and more convenient for everyday living by installing the industry’s best smart home upgrades. We’re always on the lookout for new advances and gadgets to make the lives of homeowners that much easier!

Looking to make your home smarter? Contact us today to get started!

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