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5 Commercial Electrical Tips for the New Business Owner

In a commercial setting, there’s a lot more to think about when it comes to electricity usage. There are more moving parts in a business than in a home, with more appliances in use, higher voltages coming into play, and the safety of many more people at stake. At TCA Electric, local businesses frequently ask us for electrical tips to keep things running smoothly. Our professional team of commercial electricians in Vancouver understands as well as anyone that safety and efficiency are paramount when it comes to commercial electricity usage. So today, we’re sharing our five most important commercial electrical tips for new business owners to keep in mind.

Upgrade, don’t overload

Before you first open your business or move into a new space, be sure that there is enough power available for your day-to-day needs, and then some. Businesses such as restaurants, manufacturers, and larger offices draw on a large amount of power, and dangerous situations can arise if the building’s electrical system isn’t up to the task. Watch for warning signs such as breakers frequently tripping, overheating cords and equipment, and frayed or otherwise damaged wiring. These are all red flags that should be handled immediately by one of Vancouver’s experienced commercial electricians.

Keep staff informed about safety

The safe operation of your business’s electrical systems shouldn’t be a trade secret. Make sure every employee knows where to find your business’s power source and teach them how to safely shut down the power in case of an emergency. Clearly label all switches in your breaker box or fuses, though you should consider upgrading your electrical panel if it still relies on fuses. Finally, educate your employees on how to deal with hazards such as electrical fires. Keeping as many employees as possible informed about how electrical safety benefits your business and everyone associated with it – including your customers.

Don’t stay on standby

In terms of energy savings, one thing TCA Electric and other commercial electricians will always tell Vancouver business owners is to shut down as much equipment as possible outside of operating hours. Many devices and appliances – such as printers, computers, and copy machines – have a standby mode that causes them to continue using power when not in use. Be sure each device that can be fully shut down is off – or unplugged, whenever possible. With the large number of devices used by most commercial operations, this can result in a great deal of energy savings.

Switch to LED lighting throughout

Besides devices and appliances, commercial buildings also require a large number of lights to operate. Whether you’re in manufacturing, retail, or food service, nearly every workspace and customer area needs to be fully lit during business hours. And if your business is using anything other than LED lighting to illuminate these spaces, you’re due for an upgrade. Compared to other common lighting solutions, such as compact fluorescent and halogen lights, LED fixtures use less energy, have greater durability and a longer lifespan, and are more adaptable. LED lighting installation is a common service offered by commercial electricians in Vancouver, and it’s an upgrade that can save your business a great deal on energy costs.

Have your space inspected regularly

Some electrical hazards are easily spotted, such as frayed and exposed wires, overloaded circuits, and flickering lights. Other hazards, however, will likely only be spotted by a trained electrician. To that end, be sure to schedule regular electrical inspections for your business. Electrical inspections are generally inexpensive, and they bring a great deal of peace of mind, as you can be confident that any electrical issues will be noticed and dealt with before becoming truly dangerous.

TCA Electric: Full Service Commercial Electrician Vancouver

There can be a lot of headaches that arise when you first open a new business, but electrical issues shouldn’t be one of them. At TCA Electric, we offer a full range of commercial electrical services, from inspections and upgrades to safety measures and emergency generators. Our team of experienced commercial electricians in Vancouver is ready to help your business thrive. Contact us today for a consultation with our professional team of electrical contractors!

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