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The Fleet EV Charging Rebates You Need to Know About

BC’s EV Charging Rebates Extend to Company Vehicles & Fleets

As we’ve covered previously, workplace EV chargers make a lot of sense for many businesses. Those with company vehicles can charge to save on gas, while storefronts can provide parking for EV-owning customers and employees alike. Rebates can help to cover these chargers—but the EV charging rebates available for businesses don’t end there. 

Here in British Columbia, there are also rebate options available for purchasing company vehicles or fleets, with flexibility to cover a wide range of needs. This means both upgrading your fleet and charging your new set of electric vehicles will cost less out of pocket.

From the leading EV charging experts at TCA Electric, here are the fleet EV charging rebates you need to know about as a business owner. 

Passenger Vehicle EV Rebates

CleanBC has provided a number of EV charging rebates to residents of British Columbia, and they’ve expanded those offerings numerous times. Through the CleanBC Go Electric Fleets Program, funding has now been approved to support the purchase of electric passenger vehicles. This includes rebates both for homeowners as well as for businesses and companies.

How Much Are the Rebates Worth?

For companies, rebates are available for up to $3,000 off the purchase of fully electric vehicles, as well as long-range plug-in hybrid models. Shorter-range hybrids are also covered by this program, but only for rebates of up to $1,500.

How Many Vehicles Can Be Purchased?

Recognizing the need for flexibility due to the variability of businesses, this program provides rebates up to a certain number of total vehicles, depending on the type of business you own.

  • Car-share companies may receive rebates for up to 50 vehicles
  • Other businesses with vehicle fleets may receive rebates for up to 10 vehicles

For most common types of cars, only vehicles of up to $55,000 MSRP will be covered by this program. To use Tesla as an example, this means a Model 3 may be covered, while a Model S or X would not.

Larger vehicles may also be purchased using these rebates, including station wagons, minivans, SUVs, pickup trucks, and even passenger vans. The program allows for a sticker price of up to $70,000 for vehicles in this category.

You can view a list of eligible passenger vehicles at this link.

What Are the Requirements?

In order to apply, companies must be based in British Columbia and the applicant must have a valid operating license. Businesses are eligible for the program, as well as nonprofits and local governments. 

EV Rebates Extend to Other Vehicle Types

Some companies make use of other types of vehicles for their work. CleanBC also provides rebate options for a wide range of zero-emission specialty vehicles, some for specific industries and use cases. This includes motorcycles, utility vehicles, low-speed vehicles, and airport & port specialty vehicles. 

You can learn more about the amounts available for these vehicles here

Combine with EV Charging Rebates to Maximize Savings!

There’s never been a better time to go electric here in British Columbia. Not only are there many rebates available for both electric vehicles and EV charging stations, but these rebates can typically be combined in order to maximize savings. 

In other words, if you’re looking to convert your company fleet to electric, you’ll be able to save on both the vehicles and the infrastructure you’ll need to fully take advantage of EV ownership.

TCA Electric: BC’s Leading EV Experts

At TCA Electric, we’ve been leading experts in electric vehicle charging since the very beginning. We’ve installed countless chargers for homeowners and business owners alike, and we’re always ready to help new EV owners save money while getting the most from their electric vehicles.

If you’d like to upgrade your company fleet to electric, be sure to take advantage of the many rebate options available to you. And if you need help planning out your infrastructure—or even just navigating the application process—our licensed and qualified electricians are ready to help Contact us today to learn more!

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