a home lit up at night

Pigtailing: The Cost Effective Alternative to Replacing Aluminum Wiring

The Cost of a Full Aluminum Wiring Replacement Can Be Prohibitive. Here’s an Alternative! Aluminum wiring was once seen as the future of electricity. However, as houses were built using this lower-cost alternative to copper, the risks quickly became apparent. Today, aluminum wiring is a fire hazard in many homes and multifamily strata built between […]

electrical components revealed during a renovation

How Pigtailing Aluminum Wiring Can Reduce Insurance Liability

Pigtailing or Replacing Aluminum Wiring May Make Your Home Safer At TCA Electric, we recently completed a multi-family electrical project that included making changes to aluminum wiring in the building in order to lower the fire risk and reduce insurance liability. We accomplished this through a method called “pigtailing,” which mitigates many of the risks […]

Photo of recently upgraded 200 amp panel in North Vancouver

Why Upgrade an Electric Meter and Panel to 200-Amp Service?

If you’re like most homeowners, chances are you don’t think about your electrical service too often. After all, when your home is running well below your service capacity, your breaker won’t be tripping often, if ever. But as more and more appliances and devices draw on power in your house, you might begin wondering if […]

inside view of a Stab-Lok circuit breaker

Uninsurable Electrical Panels: Is It Time for a Panel Upgrade?

Some electrical panels may not be covered by insurance. Here’s what you should know! There are many reasons why a homeowner may want to upgrade their electrical panel. In some cases, they’re hoping to upgrade their home’s service to allow for new electrical devices or appliances. In other cases, however, upgrading an electrical panel is […]

A GCFI outlet with broken buttons

5 Risky Behaviours Your Vancouver Electrical Contractors Urge You to Correct

As temperatures rise with the coming summer months, so does energy usage in many households. Between appliances, stereos, and, of course, air conditioners and fans, there will be many devices running all at once. That means it’s more important than ever to practice good electrical safety! As experienced Vancouver electrical contractors, we hear about electricity-related […]

Light bulbs

5 Safety Tips from Your Favourite North Shore Electrician

With so many devices, appliances, and other pieces of our daily life needing to be plugged in, it’s easy to take electricity for granted. But complacency mixes with electricity about as well as water does, so it’s important to stay aware and always follow safe electrical usage practices. As any North Shore electrician will tell […]